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Tom Watson & John Whittingdale Explain Why James Murdoch Will Be Recalled To Give Evidence *HOT*
Tom Watson & John Whittingdale Explain Why James Murdoch Will Be Recalled To Give Evidence HOT 2481
Whittingdale: 'Murdoch has been summoned'
Watson: 'Murdoch may face MPs again over hacking'
Tom Watson v James Murdoch, 10/11/11, evidence MPs were targeted
Why James Murdoch resigned from BSkyB
Tom Watson Explains Bombshell Revelations - NOTW Phone Hacking *NEW*
James Murdoch To Be Recalled Over Phone Hacking - NOTW Phone Hacking *NEW*
James Murdoch Resigns As News Intl Exec.chair
DLD11 - Spotlight: James Murdoch
John Whittingdale joins 7.30
Tom Watson: 'This Is The Most Significant Moment In Over Two Years' - NOTW Phone Hacking *NEW*